Metaphor Dice January 2nd 2024

Today I rolled the Metaphor Dice. The words; wonder, memory and unspoken spoke to me. If you would like to use the words in a poem or short story in a post please do. After you post, copy its link in my comment section.

Photo by Philippe Donn on


Memory is an unspoken wonder

Disappearing quickly over time

Delete the past to make space for the present . . . or vice verse.

We cling to the passage of time.

Fond memories become fonder, an unspoken wonder of days gone bye.

       . . . Claudia just saying


2 thoughts on “Metaphor Dice January 2nd 2024

  1. A memory may be good or bad
    make you happy or sad
    produce a smile or a tear
    fill you with wonder or fear.
    It’s an unspoken reminder of a life, of a love
    It’s a step on the path that has led you to here!

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