Monkeying Around Washington

Monkeying Around by

Aging & Attitude

How do you stop Mitt Romney from telephoning?

On Wednesday, January 11th, 8PM the phone rings. I answer and hear a husky energetic voice say, “This is Mitt Romney.” I immediately hang up.

What is this man thinking?

Ryan Seacrest is center stage on TV and ready to say emphatically and for the eleventh time, “This is American Idol.”

Mitt is not deterred.

The next morning Claire calls with an invitation to attend a Sunday Republican rally at 4:30PM to greet, not meet the presidential candidate and his wife. I do not recognize Claire’s voice and she cannot be interrupted. This is not my friend Claire.

The former Governor, Romney must be living on a different planet, the Giants playoff game is Sunday.

As a courtesy, I stay on the line to say I have a previous engagement, but would not attend even if I did not, there is no such option. “STOP PHONING ME!” I scream into a dead connection.

The “caller unknown” phone calls continue morning, noon and night. I know it is Mitt, because we are on the Do Not Call List, although he does not leave a message and it might be Newt. I have no desire to listen to him either and do not answer.

Candidates have taken to using toss-a-way cells, it is cheaper and there is no turn around time when a last-minute rally is organized.  Evidently, as with insider trading, politicians are exempt from complying with the Do Not Call laws ( 888-382-1222) and take liberty to phone citizens at their pleasure.

Although not a Republican, I registered as one for the primary. It is misleading; I give the party that.

I was registered Independent and did not switch to Democratic because that primary is a done deal and I am not really a Democratic either.

If I am not a Republican, Democratic or Independent, what am I?

An angry voter, feeling like a mother needing to scold the children and yell, “Go to your rooms and don’t come out until you can act you age and solve the country’s problems.”

Oh, “And when you come out, lower your voice.”

                                                                                        . . . . Just Saying

17 thoughts on “Monkeying Around Washington

  1. I especially like your analogy of your desire to “scold the children.” I am sure many share this feeling, including this writer. Thanks for sharing your perspective of what will be a very long 9 months of campaigning for all of us!


  2. You’ve hit a nerve, definitely, Claudia. The robo-calls here in NH were just outrageous, and the best thing about being the first-in-the-nation primary is that WE’RE DONE!….

    I, too, wrote on this subject: you can check my take on it here:

    I’m also going to keep an eye on your blog; looks interesting and you might be a kindred spirit, politically….


      • I am currently fshiining up my BA in Child Development and Family Studies and thus far I have only work with children from 2 weeks to adolescent while helping support their families. The Physician that I would want to work under is an Obstetrics (OB) because they are in direct contact with pregnant women and their children during pregnancy. I would choose this particular specialty for a variety of reason such as having the opportunity to see individuals become parent for the first time, seeing how much love is surrounded in the process, being there to help the mothers while there in a vulnerable state. One of my main reasons is because I think that the whole birthing process is fascinating and to be able to be a part of family’s lives while going through this process, I imagine to be extremely rewarding.A of physician specialty that I would least want to work with would be a psychiatrist. Although I believe that psychiatrist do some spectacular work and help a lot of people through difficult situations I personally believe that this job would be to emotionally draining and overwhelming for me. This makes me question whether or not I would be able to handle it. When I set out to do a job my goal is to do the best that I can and I don’t feel that I could successfully do this job to the best of my ability.


  3. I think you ought to run for office and have Mr. Wonderful as your campaign Manager.. You would win hands down and make millions $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Call My Claire if you need a ride to your Rally…..


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